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Software using finite element methods (FEM), boundary element methods (BEM), and finite difference methods, etc., belong in this category. Mesh generating software are also included here.
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Discrete Methods & Related Tools   ([CM] Commercial, [SR] Shareware, [GPL] GPL)

Grid Generation/Manipulation, FEM Modeler:
3DMAGGS -- 3D multi-block advanced grid generation system.
A++/P++ -- a C++ array class for structured grid computations (serial and parallel).
ADMesh [GPL] -- program for processing triangulated solid meshes.
Alchemize -- converts structured/unstructured surface and volume grids between various file formats.
AMESH [CM] -- a series of mesh generation tools designed specifically for the casting industry.
BAMG -- bidimensional anisotrope mesh generator.
Chaco -- contains a variety of partitioning algorithms.
Chalmesh [GPL] -- a 3-D overlapping grid generator.
CSCMDO -- volume grid generation/modification tool .
DAGH -- data-management infrastructure for parallel adaptive mesh refinement techniques.
DIME -- distributed irregular mesh enrironment.
delaundo -- a software tool for Delaunay triangulation.
EasyMesh -- a two-dimensional quality mesh generator.
EMC2 -- a WYSIWYG 2D finite elements mesh generator.
Genie++ -- a multiblock, 3D, structured grid generation package.
GEOMPACK -- generation of 2D and 3D finite element meshes.
NEW Gmsh -- three-dimensional mesh generator with pre-/post-processing facilities.
NEW GrAL -- a generic library for grid (mesh) data structures and algorithms.
gridpak -- a software package for curvilinear orthogonal grid generation.
GRUMMP -- generation and refinement of unstructured mixed-element meshes in parallel.
GTS [GPL] -- a library of functions for 3D surfaces meshing with interconnected triangles.
IBG -- a 2D and 3D grid generation and geometry description package.
ipol -- a curve discretization tool.
Janus -- generic programming for grid and mesh-based scientific applications.
Mesh-Maker -- a simple program for generating unstructured meshes.
Meshtools -- an FEM mesh generating facility in Matlab.
NEW MSC.Patran [CM] -- a sophisticated finite element modeler.
METIS -- unstructured graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering system.
Netgen -- an automatic 2,3D mesh generation system based on the advancing front method.
Nuages -- 3D reconstruction from parallel cross-sectional data.
PARTY -- graph partitioning library.
PHYSICA -- 3D unstructured mesh multi-physics continuum mechanics computational modelling.
plantri -- a program for generating planar triangulations.
Preproc -- generates first order triangular elements for simply connected domains.
QMG -- unstructured finite element mesh generation for 3D polyhedral objects.
SCOTCH -- a software package for static mapping and graph partitioning.
SD -- a fully dynamic constrained Delaunay triangulation engine.
SHAPES [CM] -- a tool that satisfies the geometry requirements of applications that span many industries.
Triangle -- triangular mesh generations.
TriGrid [CM] -- a modelling system for building Triangular Grids.
TrueGrid [CM] -- tessellate a geometric model into hexahedron brick and quadrilateral shell elements.
TRUMPET -- triangular unstructured mesh generator by point insertion.
VGM -- a 2/3D grid manipulation tool, used to alter, adapt, smooth, and generate surface/volume grids.
Xcog -- an interactive 2-D overlapping grid generator.

Programming Toolkit:
ALADDIN -- a computational toolkit for interactive matrix and finite element analysis.
ALBERT -- an adaptive hierachical finite element toolbox.
BoxLib -- C++ class library for developing block structured finite difference algorithms.
deal.II -- a C++ library targeted at adaptive finite elements and error estimation.
Diffpack -- object-oriented C++ library for partial differential equations.
FEMSET -- a library of FEM routines.
KASKADE -- C/C++ toolbox to build FEM programs.
MODULEF -- a Fortran 77 library for finite element methods.
MOUSE [GPL] -- an OO framework for finite volume computations on unstructured grids.
Overture -- C++ libraries help solving partial differential equations in complicated geometries.
PadFEM -- an OO environment for parallel adaptive finite element simulations.
OFELI -- an object oriented C++ library for FEM code development.
NEW Rheolef [GPL] -- a finite element environment with C++ classes and UNIX commands.
UG -- flexible toolbox for the adaptive multigrid solution of PDEs.

General PDE Solver:
AMRPoission -- solves Poisson's equation using Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR).
Convective Energy Equation Finite Element Solver
EXPDE -- C++ library for numerical approximation of partial differential equations.
Fastflo [CM] -- a 2/3D FEM environment for solving partial differential equations.
NEW FEMLAB [CM] -- simulation package solving nonlinear PDEs with finite element method.
FEMLAB -- finite element with adaptive mesh and automatic error control.
FIDISOL/CADSOL [CM] -- solving 2,3-D elliptic and parabolic PDE with finite difference.
FreeFEM -- a program dedicated to partial differential equations based on the Gfem language.
FreeFem+ [GPL] -- finite element method for PDE.
KFem -- a finite element software on KDE.
LUGR -- adaptive-grid methods for time-dependent PDEs.
MGGHAT -- a FORTRAN program for the solution of 2nd order linear self-adjoint elliptic PDE.
Mgsor -- a tutorial solver for Laplace/Poisson equations with multigrid methods.
pdelib -- collection of components for creating simulators based on PDE.
PDESim [GPL] -- a Monte Carlo partial differential equation solver.

CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics):
Cart3D -- inviscid aerodynamic analysis with surface modeling, mesh generation and flow simulations.
CFDRC Software [CM] -- a complete CFD system with pre/post-processing capabilities.
ddcon2d -- solve 2D Navier-Stokes equations for Boussinesq convection.
FEAT -- a general FEM subroutine system and a program for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.
NEW FLOW-3D [CM] -- a general purpose CFD software package for a wide variety of fluid flows.
FLUENT [CM] -- a CFD solver for complex flows problem.
GASP/GUST [CM] -- general aerodynamic simulation, unstructured flow solver and grid generator.
Nast++ -- a C++ framework for solving Navier-Stokes equations with complex geometries.
TOCHNOG [GPL] -- a versatile FEM program with many capabilities.

Mechanical/Thermal Analysis:
NEW CalculiX [GPL] -- finite element software for 3D nonlinear structural applications.
CAST3M -- a finite element compute code for the analysis of structures.
NEW CastCAE [CM] -- a finite element based tool for casting simulation.
Analysis Tool for Thin-walled Prismatic Structures [CM] -- analysis of thin-walled prismatic structures.
CAP [CM] -- a 3D finite element software for solidification/thermal analysis.
FElt [GPL] -- finite element system with CAD-like environment.
FRANC2D/L -- finite element program for small deformation analysis of 2D structures.
Marc Designer [CM] -- linear finite element analysis with integrated pre and post processing.
Méfisto -- 2/3D mesh generator and thermal/elastic FEM solver.
MSC.NASTRAN [CM] -- finite element analysis program for a wide variety of analysis.
OOF -- calculate macroscopic properties from images of real or simulated microstructures.
ProPHLEX [CM] -- finite element based component software for engineering simulation.
Simple Finite Element -- qualitative truss analysis with finite element.
SLFFEA [GPL] -- a complete FEM package with graphical user interfaces.
TILLY [CM] -- a discrete element method package for mechanics.
TOCHNOG [GPL] -- a versatile FEM program with many capabilities.
Z88 [GPL] -- a fast and compact finite elements program featuring 13 element types.
ZeBuLoN [CM] -- a flexible and complete FE environment for modelling (non-linear) materials behavior.

ALLSPD-3D -- numerical tool for simulating chemically reacting flows in aerospace propulsion system.
BASIN -- a finite-element program incorporates a compaction model based on the state for porosity.
BIE -- solving boundary integral equations.
CALFEM [CM] -- interactive computer program for teaching the finite element method.
NEW GetDP -- software for numerical solution of integro-differential equations.
MagSolve -- 2-dimensional static magnetic field problems by the Finite Element Method.
NEW SIMTEC [CM] -- a FEM based solidification modeling program.

Also Check Out:
CEDRAT's Software [CM] -- a complete line of CAD programs for electromechanical and thermal engineering.
Cactus -- a modular, parallel, open source framework for solving systems of PDE's.
EMAP -- a finite element electromagnetic modeling codes.
NEW FE software for electromagnetics [CM] -- finite-element electromagnetic applications.
GiD [CM] -- a universal, adaptative and friendly pre/post-processing system for engineers.
Globus -- software tools/services necessary to build a computational grid infrastructure.
GMV -- an easy to use, 3D visualization tool for data of structured or unstructured mesh.
JOSTLE -- package designed to partition unstructured meshes.
MagSolve -- interactive finite element programs for 2D static magnetic field problems.
NodPlot [GPL] -- a scientific data plotting software for 3D structured meshes.
PPGP -- parallel partitioner for unstructured grids and random particles.
ParMETIS -- unstructured graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering system in parallel.
SimLab -- CLISP code for computer algebra substrate and triangulations of 2D areas.
Simplification Envelopes -- takes a mesh and constructs a new, simpler mesh.
STEREO-SCOPIC EDITOR [GPL] -- a stereo-scopic editor useful for 3D graphs and meshes of triangles.
ToyFDTD.html -- a series of codes demonstrating implementation of 3D FDTD.
XFDTD [CM] -- a 3D Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) software for electromagnetics.

Other Resources:

INTERNET FINITE ELEMENT RESOURCES : An excellent resource for finite element methods.

FEMur (The Finite Element Method Universal Resource) was developed both as an introduction to the finite element method and as a compendium of the finite element method. Those unfamiliar with the benefits, limitations, theory, mathematics, implementation, and/or use will find your questions answered here. Those familiar with all these will find discussions, tools, and links that will connect you with all that the finite element method offers. Additional introductory material can be found.

Information on FE mesh generation (people, research groups, literature and software) at the URL

The Meshing Research Corner, by Steve Owen ( is at

Finite Element Heat and Mass Transfer Code

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Copyright © 1997-2001 by Kachina Technologies, Inc.
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