pgsql pitr

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< ==== A. Static =====
< This is very primitive example, because we don't have background
< updating while doing backup of pg cluster.
< * 1. Create test directory where to play and *stop* your primary postmaster to be safe, we''ll play with separate pg cluster.
< * 2. Create temporal pg cluster in directory ''t1''
< cd test
< initdb -D ./t1
< * 3. Create ''test'' database
< pg_ctl start -D ./t1
< createdb test
< psql test -c 'create table a (i int);'
< psql test -c '\d a'
< Table "public.a"
< Column | Type | Modifiers
< --------+---------+-----------
< i | integer |
< * 4. Populate some data
< for ((i=0;i<100;i++)) do echo $i; done | psql test -c 'copy a from stdin;'
< * 5. copy ''t1'' -> ''t2'', shutdown postmaster and restart with new pg cluster
< /bin/cp -a ./t1 t2
< pg_ctl -D ./t1 stop
< pg_ctl -D ./t2 start
< * 6. Check ''test'' database
< pg@zen:~/test$ psql test -c 'select count(*) from a;'
< count
< -------
< 100
< (1 row)
< Now, you can repeat steps 4.,5.,6. but change ''t1'' to ''t2''.
< At step 6. you should have
< pg@zen:~/test$ psql test -c 'select count(*) from a;'
< count
< -------
< 200
< (1 row)
< ==== B. Dynamic example =====
< Now, we start some process in background to update ''test database'' and
< copy ''t1'' cluster to ''t2''. Background process time to time commits
< updates, so we have a chance to copy some already commited changes.
< I wrote very simple perl script **. After each inserts it
< sleeps, also it commits every 10 changes.
< <pre>
< #!/usr/bin/perl
< use strict;
< use DBI;
< my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=test;", "","",
< { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }) or die $DBI::errstr;
< my $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into a values(?)") or die $DBI::errstr;
< for(my $i=0; $i<100; $i++) {
< my $rv = $sth->execute($i) or die $DBI::errstr;
< $dbh->commit if !($i % 10);
< sleep 2;
< }
< $sth->finish;
< $dbh->commit;
< $dbh->disconnect;
< </pre>
< * 1. again, shutdown all postmasters, create test directory ''test''
< * 2. Create temporal pg cluster in directory ''t1''
< cd test
< initdb -D ./t1
< * 3. Create ''test'' database
< pg_ctl start -D ./t1
< createdb test
< psql test -c 'create table a (i int);'
< psql test -c '\d a'
< Table "public.a"
< Column | Type | Modifiers
< --------+---------+-----------
< i | integer |
< * 4. run '''' in background
< perl &
< * 5. wait 20-30 seconds and copy ''t1'' to ''t2''
< sleep 25 && cp -a ./t1 t2
< * 5. run second postmaster at port 5433
< rm t2/
< pg_ctl start -D ./t2 -o "-p 5433"
< * 6. Check if ''t2'' cluster is in working state
< psql -p 5433 test -c 'select count(*) from a;'
< count
< -------
< 11
< (1 row)
< * 7. Shutdown ''t2'' cluster and repeat steps 5.,6.,7.
< pg_ctl stop -D ./t2 -o "-p 5433"
< sleep 25 && cp -a ./t1 t2
< rm t2/
< psql -p 5433 test -c 'select count(*) from a;'
< count
< -------
< 41
< (1 row)

PITR example

Point In Time Recovery provides a possibility to use plain file-level commands ( cp, for example) to make online backup of full postgresql cluster (sorry, not per db backup) and be able to restore cluster to specified moment of time. Of course, instead of cp command one can use tar with ssh to backup cluster's files to another machine. Simon Riggs proposal for PITR

Quick and dirty illustration how PITR is working