# This is the gimp initialization file. # Lines that start with a '#' are comments. # Blank lines are ignored. # Set the swap directory...swap files will appear here swap-path "/tmp" # Set the brush search path...this path will be searched for valid # brushes at startup. brush-path "~/gimp-0.54/brushes:/usr/local/lib/gimp/brushes" # Specify a default brush. If none is specified it defaults to the # "1circle.gbr" brush which is just a single pixel sized brush. # The brush is searched for in the brush path. default-brush "19fcircle.gbr" # Set the plug-in search path...this path will be searched for # plug-ins when the plug-in is run. plug-in-path "./:~/gimp-0.54/plug-ins/bin:/usr/local/lib/gimp/plug-ins" # Notify the GIMP of the available file plug-ins. # The format of the line is as follows: # file-plug-in # The `image types' argument specifies what types of images the # plug-in can save. It is a 3 digit number where each digit is 0 or # 1. The digits correspond to `indexed images', `grayscale images' # and `rgb images' respectively. For example, the "jpeg" file plug-in # can save rgb and grayscale images but not indexed color, so the # image types argument is 011. # The `plug-in name' is the name of the plug-in program. # The `plug-in title' is the title of the program is it will appear # from the GIMP. This will most likely be the name of the plug-in. # The `extensions' are a comma separated string of extensions. These # are used by the GIMP to map file names to images. # Note: case does not matter for extensions. file-plug-in jpeg 011 "jpeg" "jpg,jpeg" file-plug-in png 111 "png" "png" file-plug-in gif 110 "gif" "gif" file-plug-in tiff 111 "tiff" "tiff,tif" file-plug-in tga 111 "tga" "tga,targa" file-plug-in gbrush 010 "gbrush" "gbr" file-plug-in xpm 110 "xpm" "xpm" file-plug-in bmp 111 "bmp" "bmp" # Notify the GIMP of plug-ins that will exist in the `plug-ins' menu. # The format of the line is as follows: # plug-in # The `plug-in name' is the name of the plug-in program. # The `menu location' is the item name and location in the plug-in # menu. A slash indicates a submenu. Therefore, the menu location # "Blur/Blur" specifies an item name of "Blur" in a submenu entitled # "Blur". Multiple submenus are possible. If a menu already exists # the item is simply placed in that menu. Menu items are placed in # alphabetically sorted order in menus. # The `accelerator key' is a string which designates a key combination # which will invoke the plug-in. The format should be clear by # inspection. (It is the same one used by motif to specify # accelerators). This string is optional. # The `accelerator text' is a string which specifies how the key # accelerator specified by `accelerator key' should be shown in the # menu. This string is optional. # # If the `accelerator key' is empty, then the `accelerator text' # should also be empty. # It is convention to only use the `alt' and `shift' key modifiers for # plug-ins. The `control' key is used as a modifier for menu items by # the main application. The main application will not use the `alt' # or `shift' key modifiers. plug-in blur "Blur/Blur" "AltB" "Alt+B" plug-in gauss "Blur/Gaussian Blur" "Shift AltB" "Shft+Alt+B" plug-in gauss_rle "Blur/Gaussian Blur RLE" plug-in gauss_recurse "Blur/Gaussian Blur Recursive" plug-in mblur "Blur/Motion Blur" plug-in blur2 "Blur/Variable Blur" plug-in add "Channel Ops/Add" "AltA" "Alt+A" plug-in blend "Channel Ops/Blend" plug-in blending "Channel Ops/Blending operations" plug-in composite "Channel Ops/Composite" "AltC" "Alt+C" plug-in darkest "Channel Ops/Darkest" plug-in difference "Channel Ops/Difference" "Shift AltD" "Shft+Alt+D" plug-in interpolate "Channel Ops/Interpolate - Extrapolate" plug-in lightest "Channel Ops/Lightest" plug-in multiply "Channel Ops/Multiply" "AltM" "Alt+M" plug-in subtract "Channel Ops/Subtract" plug-in compose "Conversions/Compose" plug-in decompose "Conversions/Decompose" plug-in quant "Conversions/Quantize" plug-in to-color "Conversions/To Color" "Shift AltC" "Shft+Alt+C" plug-in to-gray "Conversions/To Grayscale" "Shift AltG" "Shft+Alt+G" plug-in to-indexed "Conversions/To Indexed" "Shift AltI" "Shft+Alt+I" plug-in displace "Distorts/Displacement Map" plug-in pinch "Distorts/Pinch" plug-in polar "Distorts/Polar" plug-in ripple "Distorts/Ripple" plug-in waves "Distorts/Waves" plug-in whirl "Distorts/Whirl" plug-in bumpmap "Effects/Bump Map" plug-in button "Effects/Button" plug-in edge "Effects/Edge Detection" "AltE" "Alt+E" plug-in engrave "Effects/Engrave" plug-in enhance "Effects/Enhance" "Shift AltE" "Shft+Alt+E" plug-in life "Effects/Game of Life" plug-in lic "Effects/Line Integral Convolution (Swirl)" plug-in mosaic "Effects/Mosaic" plug-in oilify "Effects/Oil Paint" plug-in pagecurl "Effects/Page Curl" plug-in pixelize "Effects/Pixelize" plug-in relief "Effects/Relief" "AltR" "Alt+R" plug-in shift "Effects/Shift" plug-in sparkl "Effects/Sparkle" plug-in spread "Effects/Spread" plug-in tile "Effects/Tile" "AltT" "Alt+T" plug-in bleed "Map/Bleed" plug-in bcg "Map/Brightness - Contrast - Gamma" plug-in c_astretch "Map/Contrast Autostretch" plug-in degrade "Map/Degrade Colour Depth" plug-in gamma "Map/Gamma Correction" "AltG" "Alt+G" plug-in grayify "Map/Grayify" plug-in histogram "Map/Histogram" plug-in invert "Map/Invert" "AltI" "Alt+I" plug-in levels "Map/Levels" plug-in lunarize "Map/Lunarize" plug-in rothue "Map/Rotate hue" plug-in satur "Map/Saturation" plug-in solarizet "Map/Solarize" plug-in solarize "Map/Solarize Custom" plug-in threshold "Map/Threshold" plug-in netpbm "Miscellaneous/Netpbm Filter" "Shift AltN" "Shft+Alt+N" plug-in prep4tile "Miscellaneous/Seamless tile" plug-in despeckle "Noise/Despeckle" plug-in median "Noise/Median" plug-in noisify "Noise/Add Noise" plug-in checkerboard "Render/Checkerboard" plug-in lighting "Render/Lighting Effects" plug-in map_sphere "Render/Map to Sphere" plug-in plasma "Render/Plasma Clouds" plug-in texture1 "Render/Texture 1" plug-in texture2 "Render/Texture 2" plug-in autocrop "Transforms/Auto Crop" plug-in duplicate "Transforms/Duplicate" "AltD" "Alt+D" plug-in flip_horz "Transforms/Flip Horizontal" "AltH" "Alt+H" plug-in flip_vert "Transforms/Flip Vertical" "AltV" "Alt+V" plug-in imgsplit "Transforms/Image Split" plug-in offset "Transforms/Offset" "AltO" "Alt+O" plug-in rotate "Transforms/Rotate" plug-in rot180 "Transforms/Rotate 180" plug-in rot90ccw "Transforms/Rotate 90 CCW" plug-in rot90cw "Transforms/Rotate 90 CW" plug-in scale "Transforms/Scale" "Shift AltS" "Shft+Alt+S" plug-in superzoom "Transforms/Superzoom" plug-in deinterlace "Video/De-interlace"