% % IBVS.STY Ver 2.31 LaTeX include file for the % Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, % IAU Comm. 27 and 42 % 27-11-1999 Andr\'as Holl % 2.31: 02-05-2001 % % Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary % Use the following documentstyle definition: % \documentstyle[twoside, ibvs2, epsf]{article} % or % \documentstyle[twoside]{article} % \input ibvs2.sty % \input epsf.sty % epsf is only needed for figures % IBVS.STY screen message \typeout{} \typeout{IBVS.STY } \typeout{Information Bulletin on Variable Stars - Konkoly Observatory} \typeout{} \font\ff=cmss12 \font\ft=cmbx12 \font\figcap=cmr10 \font\figfon=cmbx10 \topmargin=-1truecm \pagestyle{myheadings} \oddsidemargin=0cm \evensidemargin=0cm \textheight=24.5truecm \textwidth=16truecm \def\hr{\hbox{$^{\rm h}$}} % Hours \def\fhr{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\rm h}$}} % Fractions of hours \def\deg{\hbox{$^\circ$}} % Degree \def\fdeg{\hbox{$.\!\!^\circ$}} % Fractions of degrees \def\sec{\hbox{$^{\rm s}$}} % Seconds \def\fsec{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\rm s}$}} % Fractions of seconds \def\arcm{\hbox{$^\prime$}} % Arcminutes \def\farcm{\hbox{$.\mkern-4mu^\prime$}} % Fractions of arcminutes \def\arcs{\hbox{$^{\prime\prime}$}} % Arcseconds \def\farcs{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\prime\prime}$}} % Fractions of arcseconds \def\day{\hbox{$^{\rm d}$}} % Days \def\fday{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\rm d}$}} % Fractions of days \def\per{\hbox{$^{\rm p}$}} % Period \def\fper{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\rm p}$}} % Fractions of period \def\mm{\hbox{$^{\rm m}$}} % Magnitude or minute \def\fmm{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\rm m}$}} % Fractions of magnitudes \def\ts{\thinspace} % Thinspace % Definition of macro \IBVShead \def\IBVShead#1#2 {\thispagestyle{empty} \centerline {\ff COMMISSIONS 27 AND 42 OF THE IAU} \centerline {\ff INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS} \vskip 0.1cm \centerline {\rm Number #1} \def\IBVSno{#1} \vskip 0.5cm \hbox to \textwidth{\hfil {\vbox{\hbox{\rm Konkoly Observatory}\hbox{\rm Budapest} \hbox{\rm #2}\vskip 0.2cm \hbox{\sl HU ISSN 0374 -- 0676}}}} \vskip 0.8cm plus 0.2cm minus 0.4cm} % Definition of macro \IBVStitle \def\IBVStitle#1 {\uppercase {\centerline {\ft #1} \vskip 0.5cm plus 0.4cm minus 0.2cm}} % Definition of macro \IBVStitletl - two-line titles \def\IBVStitletl#1#2 {\uppercase {\centerline {\ft #1} \vskip 2mm plus 1mm minus 1mm} \uppercase {\centerline {\ft #2} \vskip 0.5cm plus 0.4cm minus 0.2cm} } % Definition of the IBVSfm macro (IBVS footnotemark) \def\IBVSfm {\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}}\footnotemark[2]} % Definition of the IBVSfoot macro \def\IBVSfoot#1 { \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}} \footnotetext[2]{#1}} % Definition of the author and affiliation macros \def\IBVSauth#1 {\uppercase{ #1} \vskip 0.3cm plus 0.1cm minus 0.1cm} \newcounter{authno} \def\IBVSinst#1 {\small \addtocounter{authno}{1} $^{\arabic{authno}}$ #1 \vskip 1mm \large} % This is for defining a second affiliation \def\IBVSx#1 {\small \ts $^*$ #1 \vskip 1mm \large} % This is for defining the affiliation, if there is only one (without numbering) \def\IBVSinsto#1 {\small \ts #1 \vskip 1mm \large} % The next items do not affect the appearance of the document - % they are intended for search and indexing % IBVSobj contains an object (variable stars) \def\IBVSobj#1 {\typeout{IBVSobj : #1}} % SIMBADobj holds the SIMBAD identifier of an object \def\SIMBADobj#1 {\typeout{SIMBADobj : #1}} % SIMBADobjAlias an identifier of an object, together with an alias, % both acceptable by SIMBAD \def\SIMBADobjAlias#1#2 {\typeout{SIMBADobjAlias : #1 = #2}} % SIMBADobjJ2000 holds the SIMBAD identifier of an object, together with % its J2000 coordinates \def\SIMBADobjJ2000#1#2 {\typeout{SIMBADobjJ2000 : #1 -> #2}} % SIMBADobjAliasJ2000 is for two identifiers + J2000 coordinates \def\SIMBADobjAliasJ2000#1#2#3 {\typeout{SIMBADobjAliasJ2000 : #1 = #2 -> #3}} % IBVStyp should contain the variable star type designation, as in the GCVS \def\IBVStyp#1 {\typeout{IBVStyp : #1}} % IBVSkey may contain any other kind of keywords \def\IBVSkey#1 {\typeout{IBVSkey : #1}} % IBVSabs may hold a single abstract line - use max. 5 for an abstract \def\IBVSabs#1 {\typeout{IBVSabs : #1}} % BIBCODE holds standard bibliographic code for a reference \def\BIBCODE#1 {\typeout{BIBCODE : #1}} % IBVSetable - filename of an electronic-only LaTeX table \def\IBVSetable#1 {\typeout{IBVSetable : #1}} % IBVSefigure - filename of an electronic-only PS figure \def\IBVSefigure#1 {\typeout{IBVSefigure : #1}} % IBVSedata - filename of an electronic-only data file \def\IBVSedata#1 {\typeout{IBVSedata : #1}} % Definition of macro \begintext \def\begintext{ \vskip 1cm plus 0.4cm minus 0.4cm \large \baselineskip=5mm \markboth{{\ff IBVS} \IBVSno}{{\ff IBVS} \IBVSno} \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\arabic{footnote}} \setcounter{footnote}{0} \noindent} % Definition of macro \IBVSfig \def\IBVSfig#1#2#3 {\refstepcounter{figure} \begin{figure}[hpt] \normalsize \vskip 3mm plus 1mm minus 1mm \epsfysize=#1 \centerline{\epsffile{#2}} \vskip 2mm plus 1mm minus 1mm \begin{center} {\figfon Figure \thefigure .} \figcap #3 \large \end{center} \label{fig:#2} \end{figure} \vskip 4mm plus 1mm minus 1mm} % Definition of macro \IBVS2fig for two-column arrangement of figures \def\IBVS2fig#1#2#3#4#5 { \vskip 3mm plus 1mm minus 1mm \begin{figure}[hpt] \normalsize \hfil \begin{minipage}{#1} \epsfxsize7.5cm \begin{center} \leavevmode \hspace*{-5mm} \epsfbox{#2} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hfil \begin{minipage}{#1} \epsfxsize7.5cm \begin{center} \leavevmode \epsfbox{#4} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hfil \hfil \vskip 2mm plus 1mm minus 1mm \parbox[t]{7.5cm}{ \refstepcounter{figure} {\figfon Figure \thefigure .} \figcap #3 \label{fig:#2}} \hfil \parbox[t]{7.5cm}{ \refstepcounter{figure} {\figfon Figure \thefigure .} \figcap #5 \label{fig:#4}} \large \end{figure} \vskip 4mm plus 1mm minus 1mm } % Definition of macro \references \def\references {\vskip 1cm plus 0.5cm minus 0.5cm \noindent References: \hfil \vskip 0.3 cm plus 0.1 cm minus 0.1cm \parindent=-1cm \leftskip 1cm} % Definition of macro \reference \def\reference {\vskip 1cm plus 0.5cm minus 0.5cm \noindent Reference: \hfil \vskip 0.3 cm plus 0.1 cm minus 0.1cm \parindent=-1cm \leftskip 1cm} % Definition of macro \endreferences \def\endreferences {\vskip 1cm plus 0.5cm minus 0.5cm \parindent=15.0pt \leftskip -0cm} % Definition of macro \IBVSerratum \def\IBVSerratum#1 {\uppercase {\centerline {\ft ERRATUM for IBVS #1} \vskip 0.5cm plus 0.4cm minus 0.2cm}} % Definition of macro \IBVSerrata \def\IBVSerrata#1 {\uppercase {\centerline {\ft ERRATA for IBVS #1} \vskip 0.5cm plus 0.4cm minus 0.2cm}} % -------------------------------------------------------------------------