Query= V2905 Sgr GCVS Query forms
  NNo      GCVS          J2000.0            Type      Max        Min I         Min II       Epoch        Year      Period          M-m/D     Spectrum      References  Other desig. p.m.(as/yr)   Epoch     Ident.     New type    GCVS
722905 |V2905 Sgr *|181720.30 -280949.6 |ZAND      | 10.0  : |  14.6      |            |p |            |     |                    |     |pec(e+cont)      |06293 08953|           |             |1987.482| |GSC      |          |V2905 Sgr |

V2905 Sgr     = AS   299                      |     
V2905 Sgr     = GSC  06856.01061              |     
V2905 Sgr     = He   3-1654                   |     
V2905 Sgr     = MH   208-092                  |     

      Reference to a chart or photograph:
08953. AAVSO Variable Star Atlas, 1980.

Reference to a study of the star:
06293. IAU Circ N2354, 1971.


Remark: Spectrum description [04452, 06495].

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