Query= rho Pup GCVS Query forms
  NNo      GCVS          J2000.0            Type      Max        Min I         Min II       Epoch        Year      Period          M-m/D     Spectrum      References  Other desig. p.m.(as/yr)   Epoch     Ident.     New type    GCVS
689017 |rho   Pup *|080732.65 -241815.6 |DSCT      |  2.68   |   2.87     |            |V |44995.905   |     |     0.1408809      |48   |F6IIp            |09760 03579|           |-0.083 +0.046|2000.0  | |Hip      |          |rho   Pup |

rho   Pup     = BAY  Pup rho                  |     
rho   Pup     = BS   03185                    |     
rho   Pup     = CPD  -23 03368                |     
rho   Pup     = CoD  -23 06828                |     
rho   Pup     = FLM  Pup 015                  |     
rho   Pup     = GSC  6555.03245               |     
rho   Pup     = HD   067523                   |     
rho   Pup     = Hip  039757                   |     
rho   Pup     = IRAS 08054-2409               |     
rho   Pup     = IRC  -20157                   |     
rho   Pup     = SAO  175217                   |     

      Reference to a chart or photograph:
03579. J.Kordylewska, R.Szafraniec, EBC N53, 1960.

Reference to a study of the star:

09760. M. Fracassini, L.E.Pasinetti, F.Castelli, E.Antonello, L.Pastori, ApSS 97, N2, 323, 1983 {1983ApSS..97..323F}


Remark: VB A (B 13.7m, 29.6", 15deg). [Fe/H] = +0.13. P var. Max = 2435552.807 + 0.14088141d*E (JD2413900 - 37500) [09756]; Max = 2439887.843 + 0.14088141d*E (JD2439800 - 43700); since JD2444000 - see Table.

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