Query= eta Ori GCVS Query forms
  NNo      GCVS          J2000.0            Type      Max        Min I         Min II       Epoch        Year      Period          M-m/D     Spectrum      References  Other desig. p.m.(as/yr)   Epoch     Ident.     New type    GCVS
609007 |eta   Ori *|052428.62 -022349.7 |EA+BCEP:  |  3.31   |   3.60     |   3.57     |V |15761.826   |     |     7.989268       |     |B0.5Vea+B3V      |09504 08043|           |-0.001 -0.003|2000.0  | |Hip      |          |eta   Ori |

eta   Ori     = ADS  04002                    |A    
eta   Ori     = BAY  Ori eta                  |     
eta   Ori     = BD   -02 1235                 |     
eta   Ori     = BS   01788                    |     
eta   Ori     = FLM  Ori 028                  |     
eta   Ori     = GSC  4757.01588               |     
eta   Ori     = HD   035411                   |     
eta   Ori     = Hip  025281                   |     
eta   Ori     = IRAS 05219-0226               |     
eta   Ori     = SAO  132071                   |     

      Reference to a chart or photograph:

08043. W.H. Warren, Jr., J.E.Hesser, ApJ Suppl 34, 115, 1977 {1977ApJS...34..115W}

Reference to a study of the star:

09504. R.H.Koch, IBVS N1418, 1978.


Remark: VB Aab (AC 0.037", 111deg, 1979.0, P = 9.219 yr [09535]; B 4.8m, 1.60", 76deg, 1976.0; C 9.4m, 115", 51deg). EA/DM. Min II 3.57. The range of combined light variation of the components AAb (SB 2, P = 7.989268d), AC, and B is given in the Table. Outside eclipses there are sinusoidal light variations of the system with A(V) = 0.05m due to pulsations of the component Ab [09535] with P = 0.30197d [09536] or 0.30145d [09537]. According to [08566] these variations were not observed between 1970 and 1976.

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