Query= alf sco GCVS Query forms
  NNo      GCVS          J2000.0            Type      Max        Min I         Min II       Epoch        Year      Period          M-m/D     Spectrum      References  Other desig. p.m.(as/yr)   Epoch     Ident.     New type    GCVS
739001 |alf   Sco *|162924.46 -262555.2 |LC        |  0.88   |   1.16     |            |V |            |     |                    |     |M1.5Iab-Ib       |      08953|           |-0.010 -0.023|2000.0  | |Hip      |          |alf   Sco |

alf   Sco     = ADS  10074                    |A    
alf   Sco     = BAY  Sco alf                  |     
alf   Sco     = BS   06134                    |     
alf   Sco     = CPD  -26 05648                |     
alf   Sco     = CoD  -26 11359                |     
alf   Sco     = CRL  1863                     |     
alf   Sco     = FLM  Sco 021                  |     
alf   Sco     = GSC  6803.02158               |     
alf   Sco     = HD   148478                   |     
alf   Sco     = Hip  080763                   |     
alf   Sco     = IRAS 16262-2619A              |     
alf   Sco     = IRC  -30265                   |     
alf   Sco     = SAO  184415                   |     

      Reference to a chart or photograph:
08953. AAVSO Variable Star Atlas, 1980.


Remark: ADS 10074 A(B 5.1m, B4Ve, A = 2.9", Porb = 878 yr.). Connected with a nebula.

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