Query= V723 CAS GCVS Query forms
  NNo      GCVS          J2000.0            Type      Max        Min I         Min II       Epoch        Year      Period          M-m/D     Spectrum      References  Other desig. p.m.(as/yr)   Epoch     Ident.     New type    GCVS
180723 |V0723 Cas *|010505.35 +540040.1 |NB+E:     |  7.08   |  18.       |            |V |50070.      |1995 |                    |     |pec(Nova)        |N0465 N0302|           |             |1995.   | |Lit.     |N+E:      |V0723 Cas |
      Reference to a chart or photograph:
N0302. V.P. Goranskij, E.A. Karitskaya, A.V. Kusakin et al., Astron Astroph Transact 15, No. 1-4, 101, 1998.

Reference to a study of the star:
N0465. D. Chochol, T. Pribulla, Skalnate Pleso Contr 28, No. 2, 121, 1998.


Remark: Long-term variations: Max = 2450136 + 182d x E. Short-term variations (eclipses?): Min = 2450421.4405 + 0.63501d x E.

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