Query= V AQR GCVS Query forms
  NNo      GCVS          J2000.0            Type      Max        Min I         Min II       Epoch        Year      Period          M-m/D     Spectrum      References  Other desig. p.m.(as/yr)   Epoch     Ident.     New type    GCVS
040005 |V     Aqr *|204649.36 +022615.2 |SRB       |  7.6    |  10.1      |            |V |            |     |   241.             |     |M6e              |N0039 00002|           |-0.007 +0.005|2000.0  | |Hip      |SR        |V     Aqr |

V     Aqr     = BD   +01 4359                 |     
V     Aqr     = CRL  5541S                    |     
V     Aqr     = GSC  0516.00877               |     
V     Aqr     = HD   197942                   |     
V     Aqr     = Hip  102546                   |     
V     Aqr     = IRAS 20443+0215               |     
V     Aqr     = IRC  +00491                   |     
V     Aqr     = SAO  126200                   |     

      Reference to a chart or photograph:
00002. AAVSO Variable Star Charts, AAVSO, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Reference to a study of the star:

N0039. L.L. Kiss, K. Szatmary, R.R. Cadmus Jr., J.A. Mattei, AsAp 346, No. 2, 542, 1999 {1999AA...346..542K}


Remark: H2O maser. Biperiodic, P1 is given in the Table, P0 = 689d.

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