Query= RT LAC GCVS Query forms
  NNo      GCVS          J2000.0            Type      Max        Min I         Min II       Epoch        Year      Period          M-m/D     Spectrum      References  Other desig. p.m.(as/yr)   Epoch     Ident.     New type    GCVS
450012 |RT    Lac *|220130.74 +435325.6 |EB/AR/RS  |  8.84   |   9.89     |   9.62     |V |44873.3648  |     |     5.0739496      |     |G9IV+K1IV        |09292 00010|           |+0.057 +0.021|2000.0  | |Hip      |          |RT    Lac |

RT    Lac     = AN   1908.0013                |     
RT    Lac     = BD   +43 4112                 |     
RT    Lac     = GSC  3210.01930               |     
RT    Lac     = HD   209318                   |     
RT    Lac     = Hip  108728                   |     
RT    Lac     = SAO  051563                   |     

      Reference to a chart or photograph:
00010. F.W.Wright, HA 89, N10, 1937.

Reference to a study of the star:

09292. Z. Tunca, C.Ibanoglu, O.Tuemer, A.Y. Ertan, S.Evren, ApSS 93, N2, 431, 1983 {1983ApSS..93..431T}


Remark: Min II 9.62. P var. Min I = 2440382.9005 + 5.0740484d*E + 1.02d*10**(-8)*E**2 (JD2411650 - 42500) [08592]; since JD2436470 - see Table. There is a square term in the elements given in the Table: -2.7d*10**(-8)*E**2. Shape of the light curve and depths of the Minima vary. According to [09293] the period of the distortion wave migration is ~9.5 yr, the period of the wave amplitude variations (0 < A <= 0.17m) is ~30 yr. According to [09292] the migration period is nearly half of the value given in [09293].

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