Query= LX PER GCVS Query forms
  NNo      GCVS          J2000.0            Type      Max        Min I         Min II       Epoch        Year      Period          M-m/D     Spectrum      References  Other desig. p.m.(as/yr)   Epoch     Ident.     New type    GCVS
630272 |LX    Per *|031322.35 +480631.3 |EA/AR/RS  |  8.10   |   8.93     |   8.38     |V |27033.120   |     |     8.038207       |07  *|G5IV+G5IV        |07407 08953|           |+0.049 -0.069|2000.0  | |Hip      |          |LX    Per |

LX    Per     = BD   +47 0781                 |     
LX    Per     = GSC  3315.01535               |     
LX    Per     = Hip  015003                   |     
LX    Per     = SAO  038651                   |     

      Reference to a chart or photograph:
08953. AAVSO Variable Star Atlas, 1980.

Reference to a study of the star:
07407. M.PimFitzGerald, JRAS Can 68, 23, 1974.


Remark: DII = 0.05P. Migrating distortion wave: P = 475d [09792], Delta(m) up to 0.04m.

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