European Astronomical Society(EAS): NEWS
Dear Colleagues,
Please find enclosed some information of interest. We would like to
ask you to circulate the information about schools, jobs,
conferences, to the young people in your institutes: as in many
societies, the membership does not reflect the actual balance
of ages in our profession and Council would like to have
this situation improved.
We would also like to remind you that the time is appropriate
to renew your membership for 2006 (see our Web page for procedures). In
the near future, we will have to reserve some of the services
to members only.
And do'nt forget that, in between messages, the latest news can
always be found on our Web page:
With kind regards,
Michel Dennefeld
1. The NEON observing school organises two events in summer 2006
(deadline for applications: April 30th, 2006)
2. Applications for international time in the Canarian islands
(deadline for applications: February, 28th, 2006
3. Meeting "At the edge of the Universe" in Portugal
October 9-13, 2006
4. 50th anniversary of the Byurakan observatory
Meeting in Yerevan immediately after the IAU General Assembly
5. Various news on the EAS Web page
1. NEON Observing school events in summer 2006
The NEON consortium organises two observing schools in summer 2006:
-One directly at the telescope, in Haute-Provence observatory,
from July 23 to August 5.
-And one on the use of Archival data, at ESO-Garching, from
August 30 to September 9.
These schools are open to young PhD students, or PostDocs in Astronomy,
who wish to gain practical experience in observations.
They organise practical research projects, in small groups,
under the direct supervision of experienced astronomers, and
include observations (or archive selection) and data reductions.
More details can be found on our Web pages:
A single registration form for both events
(deadline: April 30th, 2006)
is available on the ESO Web page.
Most of the costs for EU participants will be covered by
our Marie-Curie grant.
2. International Observing Time in the Canarian Islands
The International Scientific Committee (CCI) of the Roque de
los Muchachos (ORM) and Teide (OT) observatories invites
applications for International Time Programmes (ITP) on
telescopes installed at these Observatories.
The ITP offers up to 5% of the observing time, evenly spread
throughout the year and the lunar cycle:
An ITP proposal can request observing time over a period of up
to two subsequent years. The closing date for submission of
proposals to the next ITP is Tuesday 28 February, 2006, for
projects which may start during the fall of the same year.
The application form will be available from December 1st, 2005:
Further information can be obtained from the CCI Secretary:
Mr Campbell WARDEN
Tel +34 922 605 220
IAC GSM +34 639 692 185
3. Meeting in Sintra, Portugal
A meeting: "At the Edge of the Universe: Latest results from
the deepest astronomical surveys" is organised in Sintra,
Portugal, from 9 - 13 October 2006
More details can be found on:
Registration is open now, final deadlines are on June 15th, 2006
Contact: Jose Afonso (
4. Scientific event in Byurakan in summer 2006
At the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Byurakan
Observatory (Armenia),
a scientific event, including a school for young scientists,
will be organised immediately after the IAU General Assembly.
Dates will be finalised soon (preliminary proposal:
August 26- Sept.3)
and will be found on the Byurakan Web site:
Preliminary registration to start on March 1th, 2006
Final deadline on July 1th
Contact adress: Areg Mickaelian (
5. News on the EAS Web page
The EAS Newsletter, n.30 (December 2005), will be distributed
soon to the members. It can already be found on our Web page, at:
Several recent postdoctoral jobs can also be found there; do not
hesitate to send us your announcements for posting.