Volume 28/2


Table of contents


E.Ya. Vilkoviskij                                                                                                                                                   79


A study of variations in the 787-nm ammonia absorption band in the Jupiter atmosphere

N.N. Bondarenko                                                                                                                                                  81


On the theory of the two-component gravitational lens

L.M. Chechin, G.M. Avkhunbayeva                                                                                                                  87


Relation of the Dst index of powerful geomagnetic storms to solar wind parameters

G.S. Minasyants, T.M. Minasyants                                                                                                                     93


Investigation of the three-body-points problem with variable masses using the analytical calculation system “Mathematica”: Theory

M.Zh. Minglibayev, G.M. Mayemerova                                                                                                            99


Movement of CaII ions in the inner solar system

L.I. Shestakova                                                                                                                                                      109


Spectrophotometric study of Saturn’s atmosphere during a 16-year period (1995–2010)

V.G. Tejfel, A.M. Karimov, G.A. Kharitonova, G.A. Kirienko                                                                      121


On the third edition of the Almaty “Spectrophotometric Catalogue of Stars”

V.M. Tereschenko                                                                                                                                                 135


The noctilucent cloud (NLC) spectral observations in Kazakhstan in 2006–2007

V.D. Vdovichenko, G.A. Kirienko                                                                                                                                    139


Numerical simulations of AGN evolution

E. Vilkoviskij, M. Makukov, Ch. Omarov, T. Panamarev, D. Yurin, R. Spurzem, P. Berczik, A. Just     151


Cosmic antigravitation and stability of circular orbits

A.Yu. Matveev, L.P. Ossipkov                                                                                                                            161


On the possible existence of brightness spots on Cyg X-1 supergiant

E.A. Karitskaya, N.G. Bochkarev                                                                                                                                      167


Local expansion flows of galaxies: quantifying acceleration effect of dark energy

A.D. Chernin, P. Teerikorpi                                                                                                                                 177